Tuesday 4 December 2012

Lev Kuleshov

Lev Kuleshov

The inventor of the Kuleshov effect. He was born in 1899 and died aged 71 in 1970. Throughout his life he created 18 films and helped establish the worlds first film school in Moscow.
Kuleshov believed that the essence of cinema was editing, in his case the juxtaposition of one shot with another. 

The Kuleshov experiment/effect
The Kuleshov effect is used to bring the audiences to understand the actors emotions about certain objects, the effects is used to bring the audience into the film more to get a reaction from them, he wants people to try to use the audiences emotions.
Kuleshov used the experiment to show how effective film editing can be. In the original there is a shot of a man with an expressionless face looking directly at the camera the scene then cuts to a bowl of soup back to him then to a dead child then him and then a woman on a divan. This was first shown to an audience that thought his expression changed every time the picture cut back to him although the clip was exactly the same being played over and over again. 

Here is the Original: