Wednesday 27 November 2013

Hidden: Production Report

Hidden Production Journal


Finding the idea:

To come up with an idea for our film each of us Sam, Aaron and myself all came up with individual ideas. To come up with my ideas I used a mind map, I found it much easier to develop ideas using this method because it meant I could expand on basic ideas.
Our first final idea was called Bedlam. Bedlam was set in an abandoned asylum and was about a group of boys who meant missing inside. This was meant to be our actual film however when it came to filming it we learnt that the location we’d chosen was not a good place to film, the final result reflected that. Since many of the shots were out of focus.
From doing this film we’d gained a lot of experience and knowledge that would equip us for our final film.
Instead of coming up with a completely new idea we decided to adapt our new film to take place in the woods, this was our final idea it was called Hidden.


To find where we could film in the woods I used Google Maps to find clearings and pathways in the woods, this proved useful because we knew exactly where we were going when it came to the filming.

Treatment and Script development:

As a group we wrote our script on Google Drive, this enabled us to write on the document all at once. It took us three weeks to complete our script in which this included proofreading and correcting it.

Technical Planning

I felt that creating the concept of the film was one of the most important aspects of the planning for me as the Director because I had to visualise how the film was going to look when it was finished.
We decided the genre of the film was a horror when we where coming up with the idea. 
I was aiming for the film to have a very intense and mysterious atmosphere that didn't break for entirety of the film. The cinematic style I was aiming for was similar to those in war films such as Band of Brothers with a psychological thriller twist.

I wanted the film to look similar to war films such as Band of Brothers and Saving Private Ryan in terms of the colour scheme ( Lots of green and blue).
I also planned to use lots of close ups and cinematics to really have to audience become involved in the film I was trying to create.
With regards to the lighting I wanted the film to be dark to emphasize the evil that lurked in the woods. With regards to the characters costumes I wanted the boys to look as if they were attending a conservation group. I knew that my actors would have all the necessary clothing so I gave out a sheet that gave rough outline of what was needed this included Wellies and Waterproofs.



As the Director it was partly my job to visualise how I wanted the film to look.
I there are parts of our film that do stick to how I wanted the film to look, I feel Scene 1 and 3 truly represent what I wanted through the lighting, colour scheme, camera shots and acting.
My directing is very ruthless if I don’t like something I’ll do it again, if people mess around I’ll tell them to shut up and hurry up. I feel I have a very straight forward approach with people because I like to get things done. My group actually reacted quite well to my directing because they listened however a few minutes after they’ll go back to messing around.

One the first day I had a real issue with Gareth the actor who played Brad. He was constantly messing around and kept slowing us down. However by the second day he was much quieter when I got rid of his friend Hugo. The group as a whole was actually very demanding to work with especially my two other crew members who were constantly not paying any attention to what was going on.
The only issue we had with costumes was on the second day when Gareth came in with a different shirt, however he had the same jumper with him. We had a couple of issues with the sound, on the first day because Aaron didn’t turn the mic on. When we were filming our last scene the mic broke, however Aaron had luckily left the zoom-box on record which meant that we just overlaid the audio from that over the footage.

No I wasn’t happy with all our footage. Especially those in Scene Two which I thought were really poorly shot, had terrible lighting and were out of focus. I also thought that some of the footage was out of focus in the last scene especially when the camera racked. 
On the first day we were slightly late however by lunch we’d overtaken our schedule and we had plenty of time. On the second day of production everyone was listening and everyone was a lot easier to co-operate with. This meant that I could concentrate completely on the Directing. Consequently we got through the film much quicker and it also meant the film quality was much better. 


On the third day we had off for filming we had to abandon the filming because of an injury that one of our actors had sustained the day before. To not just waste our time Sam and myself sat down and began to build the foundations of the film in Premiere Pro. First we renamed the clips filenames into alphabetical order in Finder, we used our script and storyboard to get all the clips into order so we could quickly cut them together in Premiere Pro to create our rough cut. It took us the entire day to finish our rough cut however the finer details took us a couple of weeks, this included the creation of sound effects, music, title screens/credits and do the colour correction. During this time Sam and I worked together this meant we got a more accurate sense of what the film was going to look like.

Monday 18 November 2013

Hidden: Production Schedule

Monday - Scene 1+2
Boys walking down street and entering woods
Tuesday - Scene 2+3
Brad goes missing
8:30 Meet in film room for pre-film meeting, discuss equipment and locations
8:30 Meet again to discuss the equipment and focus before returning to the woods to complete Scene 2
8:30 Final meeting to discuss where the groups were up to with their films
9:15 Begin filming the first scene of boys walking down the farm road.
9:30 Arrive on set and playback the film to see where the characters need to be and to revise lines
9:15 Arrive in woods to complete Scene 3
9:30 Film the boys walking over to the field styles
10:15 Begin filming Scene 2 where the boys notice Brad is missing
11:00 Watch back captured film to assure continuity is correct
10:00 Collect the crane to film boys climbing over the styles and walk down path. Use for cinematics.
11:15 Film shots where Joel and Kevin decide wether to go back to where they saw Brad.
Sam and Gareth go to collect lunch
12:30 Brief lunch break and discuss the film
11:00 Head further into the woods to begin filming scenes with dialogue to start on plot depth
12:00 Lunch break, discussing the film so far and what we plan to do later
1:15 All Scenes in woods complete, head back to school
11:45 1 hour 30 mins lunch break while Will takes a French lesson back at school
1:30 Continue filming the end of Scene 2 then start on Scene 3
1:45 Arrive at school, put clips onto computer and sift through them all separating clips to use and not to use
1:05 Finish filming Scene one and make a start on the first half of scene 2
3:00 Watch back the film and go over scenes that weren’t up to standard
3:00 Put a rough edit together to get an idea on how the film will look when put together
4:00 Finish shot in a place easy to pick up from, check all equipment is with us and head back to school to drop it off
4:10 Collect equipment and head back to drop off equipment and put clips onto the computer
3:45 Start to put the official edit together with chosen clips
4:20 Put clips onto the computer for safe keeping

4:20 Save project and head home. Scene 4 will be filmed the following week

Hidden: Floor Plan

Tuesday 12 November 2013

Hidden: Props and Costumes

Props and Costumes.

- Axe.
- Computer.

- Three school farm or conservation outfits.

- One dark blue outfit for blending in.

Wednesday 6 November 2013

Hidden: Calling Sheet

Year Group
  Time  Required

Gareth Owens         
Days: 3
Scenes: 1-4
Will Bickerstaff             
Days: 3
Scenes: 1-4
Callum Brankley
Days: 2
Scenes: 1-3
Sam Cox
Days: 3
Scenes: 1-4

Hidden: Shot list

Hidden: Location Shots

Location Shots:

Location 1: Moat Lane, Top Field

Location 2: Top Field - Woods

Location 3: Styles entering woods - First path in woods

Location 4: Small Opening - large foot path

Location 5: Mostly Wooded area and a small opening likely for conservation.

Hidden: Script


Characters: Brad, Joel (nervous, quiet, short and slow), Kevin
Location: Blean Woods, Canterbury
Time: 9:45-3:30




Establishing shot of Farm Road

Boys enter shot chatting. There conversation is unclear.

Camera cuts to medium shot from the front, camera tilts up as they get closer to a low angle, they walk over the camera.
Handheld and Over the shoulder shot of Brad.
Long shot from inside the woods looking at the boys walking towards the style from the field.
Cinematic shot of the woods (SOUND ENHANCED)
Medium shot of boys legs climbing over the style.
Brad jumps into a frame from the styles into a CU, pull focus on him. When Brad jumps off of style, as he is in mid-air cut to crane shot, style in center, tilted, filming others climb over.

As the boys are walking through the woods the camera is to their Left side dollying/following them.
Brad: Alright guys almost there.
Kevin: It’s not even a long walk, Brad...
Brad: Shut up (Sarcastic)
Joel: Guys, wait up!
Joel runs into frame.
CUTS TO BLACK (Sounds of walking heard)
Cinematic shot dark figure in BG hardly noticeable.
CU shot of the floor. Brad enters.
Medium shot of the group.
Brad: Mr Harley said that we have to be there by 11 and its 11:15 now, so... we’d better come up with an excuse.
Kevin: How about we tell him we got lost?
Joel: He won’t believe us, he never does.

The boys head further into the woods, Brad leading the way (Can see the figure in background of shot looking at them.)
Jump cut to Cinematics and BG noise.
Can hear boys walking in the distance. In some shots, include the man in the shadows barely visible.
Camera cuts to behind a log (frame in complete darkness) camera moves up from behind it revealing the boys walking into the conservation camp (The log has a large axe in it, focus on axe, rack to boys)
Jump cut to a CU on Brad he walks away from Joel and Kevin who are looking around the camp.
OTS of Brad focus pulls on to background (Focus on Axe)

CU of Kevin then Joel then Brad
Arc shot of Brad from the front to back dark figure is seen running from them.
CU on character when they’re speaking.
Brad: I guess this is one of Mr Harley’s sick jokes...
Joel: I hope so.
Kevin: Right I’ll get him.
Joel: I’m really not sure guys, this is kinda creepy.
Brad : Oh come on Joel, ya whimp.

Shot of figure in background. Kevin turns around

Kevin : Is that him over there.

Figure runs away. The boys follow him shouting out their teachers name, attach camera to actors, creative angle above head looking down. The chase goes on with many shots of the boys in panic.
Kevin : Where’s he gone.
Brad : I’m not sure, he just disappeared.
Joel : Guys, I don’t think that was him.
Brad : You know what Kev, I think Joel is right.

Another shot of the figure.

Kevin : There he is again.

The Boys cautiously approach where the figure was previously seen, slowly tip-toeing along. Joel, being the slowest, is at the back when he hears a snap behind them only he turns around but sees nothing, turning back he notices that brad is gone.
Suddenly he turns around and Brad has disappeared.

Joel : Hey Kevin... where’s Brad gone?
Kevin : He was just behind me.
Joel : Well he isn’t there now so where’d he go?
They hear a sound from the trees above and see Brad hanging from a branch, OTS from Brad looking down onto the others. They run off screaming.

As boys are running, Steadicam on Kevin then Joel for reaction
ACTORS HOLDING STEADICAM, camera facing actor

Extreme Long Shot (short) of boys running toward camera. Cut to CU of both boys simultaneously.
(still running)
Joel: I can’t run anymore!
Kevin:  OK, I think we’re far enough away from whatever the hell that was.

Shot of boys running to hide behind tree.
Joel: Was that really Brad?
Kevin: I hope not, should we go back and check?
Joel: I don’t know. What if that thing comes back
Kevin: I doubt it will, besides Brad could still be ok.
Joel: You sure?
Kevin: Yes, now c’mon!
Shot of Kevin’s head poking out from behind the tree. He then walks out and makes a hand movement to tell Joel to follow. Shot of figures hand in on 3rd of the shot with boys in the other two walking. The hand then clenches.

Cut to shot of boys walking towards Brad’s body, with his foot dangling out of focus in foreground, the camera is focused on boys at first then racks to the foot.

Medium shot of the boys slowly walking towards the body. Camera moving towards the body (POV style). Shot from the side with both boys and the body in shot. Cuts to close up of Kevin.

Kevin:(hesitantly) Brad… you alright.

Cuts to shot of brad, camera moves closer.


They walk over to Brad’s corpse and are completely speechless. They say nothing, Joel stands and Kevin bends down to examine Brad’s lifeless body. He turns around and there is a P.O.V shot. Joel is standing looking worried, and the figure is standing behind him. CU on the figures hand, he pulls out the axe. Cut back to shot of Joel. He is about to get hacked, but Kevin pushes him out the way. Unfortunately the axe slices into Kevin’s Jugular artery causing him to bleed heavily.

Joel screams absolute nonsense and starts to run for the hills. He is nearly out of the woods and can see the light. He turns around to see if the man is there. And when he turns back he smashes face first into a low branch, knocking him unconscious, he comes around to find the man standing over him CUT TO BLACK.
Hear Joel’s line before cutting to shot of boys watching video

Joel : (Wow, that is so cool), I love how it ends with that image.
Brad : Look we already have hundreds of views!

A man, walks up behind them.

Joel : Great work man that was brilliant (gives high five).
Figure : Thanks, anytime.
Brad : Where did Kevin go anyway?

Slowly move camera sideways to face the doorway and see Brad’s leg with blood on the floor, figure on left (or right depending where doorway is) we can see his leg and hand

Cuts to black.