Wednesday 24 October 2012

Pirates of the Caribbean Analysis

The first shot is an Establishing shot to show the audience where the scene is taking place and that there is clearly a ship following them. It's positioned at a low angle (sea level) I think this is to show you how rough the sea is not to show the ship as threatening. The next 34 seconds consist’s of close-ups, reaction shots and a two shot was used at 0:33 when the characters are speaking. These shots are commonly used in dialog scenes to show the characters responses to the situation (They’re facial emotions). The desperateness of the situation is represented by how the ship crew are acting they are generally
The next scene starts with a tilt on a dolly moving backwards as if we were moving away from the two characters in the shot. The next shot you see is Jack looking through hole then his POV of the outside of the boat, you also see this at 0:17 when Elizabeth looks off the side of the boat these shots are used to put you in the situation of the character or to show you how they are seeing the situation.After Jacks POV you see a shot of all the barrels floating on the sea floating towards the Black Pearl this is to show us how close the Black Pearl is.

The next shot begins with a wide shot of a  barrel hitting the hull of the Black pearl this tells the audience that the pursuer has almost caught up with the other boat, this starts to build up suspense. The next shot is Captain Barbossa and his monkey, as he pulls the telescope away from his eye the camera moves closer to his face on a crane this is to show you how he is feeling (medium shot to close up) he then shouts to his crew and at that moment they all start readying the guns and you then know theres going to be a fight. The next few shots consist of close ups and medium shots. The next shot is of the crew passing a cannonball to be thrown off the boat the camera follows the cannonball on a track, this is used for the purpose of the story.  A good example of continuity is when the man in the orange shirt throws a box over board the camera is located behind him then there is a cut to a medium long from the water of the box hitting the water.  Will Turner steps up to the side of the boat you then see his POV of the oars coming out of the side of the boat continuity is also used here when the shot changes to the other side of the oars but closer.  Then a tilt is used from a low angle to show Will standing on a cannon to show him as in charge. The next shot used is an aerial shot to show how close the boat is getting the other and there isn’t much time left then it cuts to Elizabeth turning round, a close up is used with a shallow depth of field and then her POV of the boat from behind them this tells you that the characters think they’re doomed until Will comes up and suggests they fight. In this short section they uses close ups and reaction shots to show how the characters feel.

The first scene begins with a CU and a reaction shot of Gibbs to show us how he feels about the plan.  The next shot is from the deck and gives the audience the impression that they are one of the crew members, the directors have used a Medium shot but you could argue they have used a POV as well.  This cuts to a medium long of  Will turning to the other heroes he looks at Elizabeth and there is a cut to a close up on her face then a mid-shot showing the two characters run off to help.  The next scene is a two shot of two pirates loading the cannons franticly this is used to show the audience that the situation is desperate the camera then moves back on a track to show the dwarf loading the cannons with cutlery Gibbs leans on to the cannon and takes a sip from a canteen as he leans in the camera moves up to look at him when the canteen is snatched off him the camera follows it.  The next scene begins with the camera behind Captain Barbossa it then moves round on a crane from a close up to a big close up. This then cuts to a low angle of Jack looking outside then there is another cut from outside looking at his eye then panning round to show us what he’s seeing. The next shot is a medium shot of Gibbs then a whip pan is used as he runs out of the shot and the depth of field changes slightly as Will jumps in front of the camera. The next few shots are close up and reaction shots and a medium shot these are once again used for scenes of dialog. Soon after this it cuts to a medium shot of the anchor being dropped as the anchor falls the camera follows it.  Then it cuts to a close up on the rope thats attached to the anchor being dragged out into the sea very fast the camera advances forward slowly then there is an underwater tilt of the anchor being dragged along the sea bed.

A medium close up of Captain Barbossa  which moves into a close up and reaction shot, this tell us that he know’s that they are up to something. Then a quick cut to the anchor hitting a rock this then leads to a sequence of shots with quick cuts to build up the excitement. You then see the boat rocking and then a medium close-up of Gibbs and other Pirates falling over and another shot of a table falling and then a close up of a medallion once again the camera appears to follow the object. We then go back to the shot of the boat turning then a two shot of Elizabeth and the other lady this cuts to a low angle of the wheel spinning out of control the camera starts to Arc around the Wheel. This same sort of method is also used in the next shot of the front of the boat. Then a long shot is used to show the boat turning round at a very steep angle to the build up the dramatic atmosphere. The next scene is a reaction shot of Captain Barbossa the camera moves towards him on a crane from a mid shot to close up, this was used to show the audience his reaction to the plan. The next shot is a long shot however Captain Barbossa head gets in the shot and it becomes a close up this really shows us his facial expressions continuity is used here as the next shot is a close up of the front of Captain Barbossa with a shallow depth of field. You then see their boat being turned round and a quick to cut to a medium shot of Jack falling over.  A wide shot is used to show the ship going side by side ready for combat.  Jack is then seen looking out of a hole a extreme close up is used then a POV.  After this the atmosphere is built by shots of pirates shouting at each other. After this a series of close ups are used then a wide shot from the water of cannons being fired.  Then the attention is turned over to Jack where we see a big close up on his face then him jumping away from the hole as it explodes, we then see a medium long of Jack before the end of the Scene.

The first shot is a close up looking down the barrel of a cannon firing, as if we where there. This then transfers to a spoon stabbing into the wood of the enemy boat ( to show power and humor) the shot used is a close up with a shallow depth of field the focus then changes to show a two actors one with a spoon in his eye. This cuts to a POV of the guy with the forked eye the as the eye is pulled the focus changes. The final shot is a two shot and the camera moving back on a track.

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